Exam Exam Exam already finish~~~Yay^0^ Today exam KH~only 60seconds(1hr)8 o'clock-9 o'clock.Then after finish ,we go to (BBQ chicken rice)opposite school de old town eat.Me,Alexandra,Xin Yao only our 3 person.Arrived there ,we sit at outside bacause inside already full place.We sit at table 31,then we order some food n drinks.I order a bbq chicken rice and the product of Old Town-old town coffee Xin Yao call the toast and a cappucino ice and Aleandra call a breakfast and ice lemon tea.~then 1st time my friend take the order go 2 give the waiter .after a second minute,they come bac the order at thier hand~then 2nd time i go ,i ask the waiter then he tell me go 2 the counter ,then i go to the counter give.After 1 hour,the food have'nt come . Then ,we go to ask .Originally,i GIVE WRONG the place,that counter is fool the bill wan.Then,we move the place from outside into inside(31-8).the food come,when we see tat not our food.Original the food is table 32 de,there r student too bt they can't wait 4 long time then they already away.
We explain to the counter ,say we gif wrong the bill.After a few minute,the food finally come~then we eat enjoyly andchat~Until 11:15am we eat finish.Then mi and xin yao walk to school ,because she wan wait 4 her sis and me take the public bus home. And another friend Alexandra she take the monorill to home~~